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Directions from Quepos and San Jose

Note: there are no addresses in this part of Costa Rica. To get anywhere you need to provided directions using local landmarks. E.g. “turn left at Villa Lirio and go 200 meters until 12 meters before Super Joseth.”

From Quepos to Villa Tekla

The trip to Villa Tekla starts on the main road to Manuel Antonio National Park with one turn at Hotel Villas Lirio.

Once you leave Quepos towards the beaches be on the alert for Villas Lirio on your left (about a five minute ride). Villas Lirio is preceded by Hotel Teva and then Captains Hotel on the left. In front of Villas Lirio you will find the road to Villa Tekla. Continue approx 250 meters up the road until Finca los Mangos - 10 meters before the small Super Joseth market and a fork in the road. (Do not go past the store!) Villa Tekla is on the left before the fork with a black metal gate with a VILLA TEKLA sign. The driveway leads to a white three-level house.

The buses from San Jose will let you off across from the Manuel Antonio school. The local buses will let you off at the stops near the school's soccer field. The house is a 5 minute walk from the school up the Villa Lirio road.

San Jose to Quepos

Traveling in Costa Rica can be an exciting and educational part of your vacation experience, but it also has the potential to be challenging. Due to the topography of the country, the infrastructure and the weather, travel times can vary widely. You should fly into our international airport in San José (Juan Santamaria). From there you'll have several options to get to the Quepos/Manuel Antonio area. Your choice will be based upon the arrival and departure times of your flights in/out of San José, personal preferences, and your budget.

Quepos La Managua airport - on the tarmac Quepos La Managua airport - on the tarmac.

Contact Us

Villa Tekla is owned by the family of the Canadian novelist William Deverell and is named in honor of his late wife Tekla. Daniel and Tamara Deverell manage the property from Brooklyn NY and Toronto Ontario (respectively) when it is not in use by the family and maintain listings on AirBnB and VRBO.

For rental enquiries please go to VRBO or AirBnB.

For all other enquiries contact Daniel Deverell in the US, Tamara Deverell in Canada or use the form below.

+1 917 865-5517

For rental availablity please go to VRBO or AirBnB.